YSA 2023

Dear All,

YSA 202 Fall Soccer Season is open to enroll now. All kids aged 4-12 can register through the link below. You need to fill separate forms for each of your children.


Registration and Payment Due date: 09/01/2023

Age Limits: 4 – 12 years old.
Program Fee: $90 ($70 program fee + $20 T-shirts fee). Returning players who don’t need new shirts will pay $70. Each additional sibling will have $10 discount.
Fall Season: 09/17-12/03 (no games on 11/19 or 11/26 during Thanksgiving weekend)
Game Time: Every Sunday afternoon (4:30 -6:00 PM)
Soccer Field: FFPS Soccer Complex George Bush Park (20150 Westheimer Parkway, Houston, TX, 77082)

Youth Sports Academy (YSA) is a nonprofit organization and supported by volunteers. Please consider to be a coach, assistant coach or team managers for your kid’s team. No soccer experience needed for coaching. We will send you coaching material to help you getting started. Other information can be found in the form.

YSA will offer student assistant coaches (age 13 and up) volunteer opportunity for soccer enthusiasts. Please contact us for more information if interested.

Please use Zelle / Quickpay  to make your payment to ysatreasurer@outlook.com  . Please put your player’s name and age in the memo (eg. Alan Zhang, 7) If you prefer other methods of payment, please contact YSA for other options.

Hope to see you soon!

我们Katy YSA 2023秋季足球赛季开始报名了。YSA是由Katy华人发起的非营利足球组织,请家长们报名担任教练,助理教练和经理。这个赛季我们将继续引入7年级及以上的学生作为助理教练,协助主教练的教学工作。我们希望为爱好足球的初中生和高中生提供一个志愿者机会,这也是一个培养他们的领导力的好机会。

学费:$90(含$20 红蓝队服费用),不需要队服的老队员学费$70, 每个额外的兄弟姐妹报名可以享受$10的discount。
赛季日期:9月17号-12月3号(除11月19日,11月26日Thanksgiving weekends)
地点:FFPS Soccer Complex George Bush Park (20150 Westheimer Parkway, Houston, TX, 77082)

请大家在9月1日前通过Zelle / Quickpay 支付学费 ysatreasurer@outlook.com , 请在备注中注明孩子姓名和年级(例如: Alan Zhang, PreK) 如果选择其他支付形式请联系我们或关注后续通知。家庭有困难的队员可以申请Coach Aleck Chen Soccer Scholarship,详情请洽YSA

Best regards,